
The stumbling block.

The biggest stumbling block


There it is in all its glory. 

A little word that looms large over us whenever we make plans, set out on our dreams, or desire to undertake any new venture. 

Fear is the elephant in the room that must be acknowledged and confronted especially when it comes to our voices.

We fear that we are not good enough.

We fear that someone will laugh when we try to sing.

We fear that we will start and then fail in some embarrassing, catastrophic way.

What if I choke?  What if I sound ‘off’ or flat?  What if my teacher thinks I am the worst singer they have ever heard?  What if (insert your worry here)?

If every singer was honest – including the most ‘famous’ or highly professional ones – they would all confess that at some stage they had to confront feelings of not measuring up, having ‘imposter syndrome’, comparing themselves with other singers, being nervous, having self-doubt, and so on.

I get it!  Singing publicly for over twenty years I too have had to deal with many of these emotions.  I would even go so far as to say that singers who have never felt this way cannot truly express their voices and artistry in an authentic way.   The performances that move us – that make us remember the singer – are those infused with genuine human emotion from the heart, which is only gained through lived experience.

If you are a beginner singer you may especially be wondering how to overcome the fear of learning to sing in front of a teacher who will hear your voice.  Perhaps it would be the first time that anyone has heard you sing.  You may hesitate to take that step of taking lessons because you think your voice is terrible, you do not trust what comes out of your mouth, or you will be ridiculed in some way.

From my perspective and experience, nothing could be further from the truth. 

Growth and a more positive singing journey are possible with the right teacher for you.   You can learn to overcome fear to the point where you can befriend it in new ways as you learn to trust your voice.  I can honestly say that you will grow in confidence especially when it comes to learning the Bel Canto approach.  That is my truth and experience.

I believe that God created us to sing.  We are built to make a beautiful sound, including your unique contribution.  The work I have done with my teacher, including decades of my own experience, have shown me that given time and practice it is impossible for someone not to sing well

Each person and voice is important - you just need someone to help you find it… and set it free.

If you are an adult beginner singer who would like to learn with me, check out my approach

Visit the Be Free To Sing YouTube channel, meet me virtually, listen to examples of songs I enjoy singing, and subscribe for future content.

If you are interested in my Part 1 and Part 2 courses but would first like more details and a taster lesson, then register for a Bel Canto Intro session today.

Happy New Year, and always remember, Be Free To Sing!


Featured Articles

Listen. Look. Love. Sing.

"Listen, whatever you see and love - that's where you are." -- Mary Oliver, Dog Songs: Poems

Sometimes in life we need to pause and take time to buddy up with someone who can be our champion or a second pair of ears, to listen to our hearts, hear us out, offer a new perspective, build connection, and find community.  Before we know it, a whole new world of love and learning can then open up for us.

Fresh beginnings await us around every corner, if we know where to look.

Welcome to Be Free To Sing

Female singer and music.  Image is a composite of photos and graphics from

Be Free To Sing is where adults with very minimal or no singing experience can learn about the basics of finding vocal freedom that really work!

Do you want to sing as a hobby for yourself, your family, in the shower, for mental health - whatever?!  I offer lessons for individuals to come together with other absolute beginners to learn how to sing in a supportive, small group environment online, all from the comfort and privacy of their homes.

Get In Touch

Do you long to sing beautifully but don't know how to start?

Find out what adult beginners can learn and contact the teacher for further information today.  Seniors welcome.

Be Free To Sing is a proud member of the Australian National Association of Teachers of Singing (ANATS) Limited.